Balducci Wellness
Japanese & Chinese Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Herbs and Reiki

Balducci Wellness
Patient Information
If paying with insurance please refer to your insurance company's directory for active in network providers.
Orthopedic Style: George at EastWest Sports Acupuncture
Chinese style and herbs a few doors down on Mass ave: Ruth at Arlington Acupuncture Wellness
Japanese style: Meagan at Golden Lotus
Japanese style: Tracy at Synergy
Fertility: Heather at Wanderwell
1. Please fill out the office policies and health history form before the day of your visit.
2. If you would like to use health insurance to help pay for the visit please email a front and back copy of your insurance card to laura@balducciwellness.com.
I kindly ask that you are prepared to answer the following questions:
a. Do you have acupuncture benefits and how many visits per year are covered?
b. Do you have a deductible and has it been met?
c. What is your copay amount?
3. On the day of your visit:
a. Make sure you have eaten before your treatment.
b. Wear loose and comfortable clothing so that elbows and knees are easily accessible.
Safety Information
1. We kindly ask if you have any viral symptoms such as headache, sore throat, cough, nausea or nasal congestion to stay home and reschedule your appointment.
2. A HEPA air purifier is running at all times in the treatment room.
3. All surfaces are cleaned and sheets changed between each patient.